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All hypnosis is really self-hypnosis.  Even when you are being hypnotized by a hypnotherapist is it you who decides to allow yourself to relax, let go and focus on what you want during each hypnosis session.

What Hypnosis Is

  • Hypnosis is a natural  state characterized by increased mental, emotional and physical relaxation and comfort.
  • Hypnotherapists use pleasant visualizations and suggestions that activate the imagination and bring about an altered state of consciousness, also known as a trance.
  • People who are hypnotized are not asleep. They are  are actually very aware, internally focused,    detached from everyday experiences and responsive to exploring new possibilities.

Will I lose control or say or do something I don’t want to during a hypnosis session?

  • Some people are afraid they will do something silly and embarrassing because they have seen people bark like dogs or quack like ducks during stage hypnosis entertainment shows. People who choose to participate in stage shows do so because they think it is fun.
  • Some people fear hypnosis because they think they will reveal their deepest dark secrets and not remember.  You will remember everything you need to remember. You remain aware of what is being said to you and by you.
  • Hypnosis is something that you allow to happen – that you want to have happen.  All hypnosis is basically self hypnosis, you remain in a hypnotic state because you want to and could bring yourself  back to everyday awareness by just opening your eyes.
  • At the beginning of our first meeting we will talk about any concerns or misconceptions you might have about hypnosis so you feel absolutely comfortable before we begin. We will use your concerns and  goals  as our map.

How does hypnosis work?

  • During Hypnosis the analytical side of the brain becomes less dominant and the more instinctive/emotional side is activated through relaxation and pleasant visualizations.  The instinctual aspect of the brain is involved with dreaming, breathing, walking, talking and all  functions that occur without our having to think about doing them.
  • When you consciously want to change a behavior but find it difficult to impossible it is often because the instinctive aspect believes it is not in your best interest. The cooperation of the instinctive aspect of the mind is necessary to change behavior.

What are the Benefits of  Hypnosis?

Thoughts, feelings, emotions and beliefs affect your whole body including your nervous and immune systems.  When we experience prolonged stress or tension we are more at risk for becoming unwell. Research shows that hypnosis can help decrease the fight or flight response and the symptoms associated with stress, anxiety, helplessness, trauma, loss, and grief.  Hypnosis helps increase relaxation, self control, confidence, creative insights, sense of purpose,  successful outcomes and improve the quality of life.

Can anyone be hypnotized?

You can be in a state of hypnosis and not be aware of it.  You can find yourself hypnotized while watching television driving a vehicle, working on the computer, reading, listening to music and an wide assortment of other activities.

You don’t need the help of a hypnotist to go into a hypnotic state, you can do it yourself.  Hypnotherapists help guide and manage the hypnotic state to obtain the greatest benefits for you. It is generally accepted that all hypnosis is self hypnosis. A hypnotherapist merely facilitates your experience to help you get in touch with your own inner clarity and personal power.